Exhibitors list

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Exhibitors list

Discover the exhibitors of iMEAT 2025, the list is constantly updated

Company name Category Contact Website
ANTICA MACELLERIA Srl Meat VOLLA (NA) - Italy +39 08119137760 https://antica-macelleria.it
AROMI Foodstuffs, Oil, vinegar, Spices, flavourings, ingredients NOVATE MILANESE (MI) - Italy +39 022150800 https://www.eurocoltellerie.it
ASCA Srl Casings FAENZA (RA) - Italy +39 0546562908 https://casitex.com
AVICOLA ARTIGIANA Srl Foodstuffs, Meat TRESIGNANA (FE) - Italy +39 053359666 http://www.avicolartigiana.it
AZIENDA AGRICOLA DAL BELLO Wine, beer, beverages FONTE (TV) - Italy +39 0423949015 http://www.dalbellovini.it
BACALINI I COTTI DELLE MARCHE - Orma Group Srl Cold cuts, Foodstuffs GROTTAZZOLINA (FM) - Italy +39 0734633264 https://www.bacalini.it/it/
BARBIERATO ANDREA Equipment AGNA (PD) - Italy +39 3687866672 http://www.andreabarbierato.it
BERZA Srl Professional garments ALBIGNASEGO (PD) - Italy +39 0498626209 http://www.berza.it
BESSER VACUUM Cooking equipment, Machinery, equipment, Packaging DIGNANO (UD) - Italy +39 0432953097 https://besservacuum.com
BIRO Equipment USA

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