Exhibitors list

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Exhibitors list

Discover the exhibitors of iMEAT 2025, the list is constantly updated.
(last update 29 July 2024)

Company name Category Contact Website
CINQUE SENSI Srl - LA GIARDINIERA DI MORGAN Preserves MALO (VI) - Italy +39 0445607976 http://www.lagiardinieradimorgan.com
CO-EL Srl Unipersonale Machinery, equipment, Packaging MODENA (MO) - Italy +39 059282360 http://www.metaldetectorcoel.it
COLDAR FRIGORIFERI Srl Accessories, Furniture, Refrigeration equipment, Seasoning, maturing equipment MESTRINO (PD) - Italy +39 0499000950 http://www.coldar.com
COLDTAINER Refrigeration equipment BRESCIA (BS) - Italy +39 0302005058 https://www.coldtainer.it
Consorzio di Tutela della Razza Piemontese Consortium, Meat CARRÙ (CN) - Italy +39 3493172257 http://www.coalvi.it
CONSORZIO DI TUTELA VITELLONE BIANCO DELL’APPENNINO CENTRALE Consortium PERUGIA (PG) - Italy +39 0756079257 http://www.vitellonebianco.it
COSARO Srl Cold cuts, Meat MALO (VI) - Italy +39 0445580330 http://www.cosarosrl.it
CRIOCABIN Spa Furniture, Refrigeration equipment, Seasoning, maturing equipment PRAGLIA DI TEOLO (PD) - Italy +39 0499909100 http://www.criocabin.com
DADAUX Equipment
ECOD Srl - iMEAT Fiera e Giornale Organising office, Publishing SAN VITTORE OLONA (MI) - Italy +39 0331518056 http://www.ecod.it

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